2020 Movie Trailer Mashup Created by Sleepy Skunk


Sleepy Skunk is back with a new movie trailer mashup that pays tribute to the films of 2020. This has been a really weird and sad year for movies under the pandemic circumstances.

I seriously miss going to watch movies in theatres. I’ve seen a couple in the past several months, but that’s it, and it makes me sad. Regardless, there have been been some great movies released this year and this video serves as a reminder of what movies came out.

Watch the video and let us know what some of your favorite films of 2020 are!

List of movies in order of appearance: http://sleepyskunk.tumblr.com 1. 'Du Hast' (FL Studio Remix) - Performed by Rammstein2. 'The Day' - Composed by Gae M...

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