24 Reasons GREEN LANTERN and DOCTOR STRANGE Are the Same Movie
Couch Tomato tackles an interesting film comparison that gives us 24 reasons why DC's Green Lantern and Marvel's Doctor Strange are the same movie. It's strange to see these movies being compared to each other because Green Lantern sucked and Doctor Strange was amazing. Couch Tomato makes a compelling case, though. It's always fun to see how he compares certain movies together and he did a great job with this one.
24 Reasons Green Lantern & Doctor Strange Are The Same Movie Like us on Facebook ►► https://www.facebook.com/couchtomatofilms Follow us on Instagram ►► https://www.instagram.com/couchtomatofilms/ Follow us on Twitter ►► https://twitter.com/couchtomatofilm Subscribe Here ►► https://goo.gl/55Lw40 Listen to Stuff for Movie Buffs podcast ▼▼ iTunes ►► http://apple.co/1SFTR8M Soundcloud ►► http://bit.ly/2lZsJYJ iHeartRADIO ►► http://bit.ly/2a0ZApi Couchtomatonews.com ►► http://bit.ly/2locAc2 Direct Download URL ►► http://bit.ly/2msTbHQ Other Links: Google +: http://bit.ly/1kLhezk Snapchat: CouchTomato24 Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1NwMqum Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1P7vXB8 Visit http://www.couchtomatonews.com/ for fictional movie news Doctor Strange (2016) A former neurosurgeon embarks on a journey of healing only to be drawn into the world of the mystic arts.