5 Cool Easter Eggs in AGENT CARTER Involving AGE OF ULTRON and Marvel

Mr Sunday Movies has released a very awesome and informative video that contains five Easter eggs from Agent Carter that not only link to the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron film, but the rest of the MCU as well. There are a couple things that I noticed while watching the series, but most of them I didn't catch at all. 

The first season of Agent Carter is already over, and it was incredible. This was actually one of my favorite shows to watch while it was on, and I can't wait to see where Season 2 takes these characters. Here's a note that came along with the video.

Agent Carter is packed with Easter Eggs and references to Age Of Ultron and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general. Here are what may be the best ones. Spoilers from Agent Carter and Age Of Ultron.

Watch it, and let us know if you noticed any of these things.

Agent Carter is pack with Easter Eggs and references to Age Of Ultron and the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general. Here are what may be the best ones. Spoilers from Agent Carter and Age Of Ultron.

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