5 Reasons Why I Hate The New TITANS Trailer!

Up until this point, I was hoping that everything that I have seen for the upcoming DC Universe series Titans was all a joke. Unfortunately for all of us, it is real and it looks stupid. Here are the 5 reasons why the new Titans trailer sucks.

1)      Brenton Thwaites, the actor who plays Robin, just doesn’t do it for me. The guy is a decent actor. To me, he looks like one of those idiots from The Dark Knight running around trying to be Batman when clearly they are not. He is running around trying to be Robin when clearly he is just constipated. I am not a fan.

2)      Starfire’s costume design is ridiculous. On a positive note, I love the costume design of Raven and Beastboy. Don’t get me wrong, I like the choice of Anna Diop for the role. I just think they made her look like a 1970’s groupie. Yes, I know that she doesn’t wear the most modest of clothing in the comics, but give the girl a chance before you make her look like Penny Lane from Almost Famous.

3)      The song that they chose. I don’t know what it is and I don’t care. All I know is they are trying to capture the haunting melodies similar to Gary Jules remake of Mad World, but it was just CRAP!

4)      I am going to say it. This just feels like a Freeform series with bad language. I mean seriously people. It is filled with all of the teen angst and “No one can help us but us” attitude that you can find on any Freeform show out there but you can say Fuck in this one. Oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh! Edgy!

5)      Speaking of Fuck, when Robin drops his “Fuck Batman” line it is like the first time he said that word ever. It was uncomfortable and juvenile. This transparent attempt to bring more edge to the show fell flat. All of us here at GT watched this trailer together and let out a collective laugh when this scene came and went.

Okay, let me have it. Am I wrong? Am I looking too far into this and I should just leave it alone? Or is this going to be another miss by DC?

This whole thing makes me sad because I love a lot of DC properties and I would love to see them succeed. Do you think this will bring them out of their slump?  

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