A Demonic Force Attaches Itself to a Town in Trailer for ALONG CAME THE DEVIL 2
Sometimes it’s fun to watch little low-budget indie horror films. They may not be great films, but I’ve seen a lot of them that are actually pretty entertaining. I try to give the underdogs a chance, and today we have a trailer for a film to share with you called Along Came the Devil 2.
The first film was released last year, and it was actually pretty good. The sequel comes from the same filmmaker Jason DeVan, and it looks like it could be solid horror thriller. Here’s the synopsis:
After receiving an unsettling voicemail, Jordan returns home, looking for answers, only to find her estranged father and even more questions. A demonic force has attached itself to the town and no one is safe. The only one who seems to know anything is the small town's Reverend.
The film stars Bruce Davison, Laura Slade Wiggins (Shameless), Mark Ashworth (Magnificent Seven), Cassius DeVan, Tiffany Fallon, and Heather DeVan as Sarah (Along Came the Devil).
The movie is set to be released on October 11th.