A DOCTOR WHO Dalek is "Exterminating" Super Bacteria

Who would've thought one of mankind's greatest fictional foes would become vital in battling a real world foe? Gizmodo is reporting that bacteria found on the body of a Doctor Who Dalek prop has been found to be able to effectively combat antibiotic-resistant super bacteria!

The find came as part of a European university's initiative to "Swab and Send." The project asks individuals to swab items in their everyday environments and send them to their labs for analysis and the potential discovery of new bacteria. Supposedly a swabbing of a BBC Dalek provided multiple strains capable of eliminating super bacteria! From BBC science host Dr. Adam Rutherford:

“We’ve got at least three different types of bacteria from the Dalek that were able to ‘exterminate’ our Micrococcus indicator strain.”

Pretty awesome, right?! Also, this is a pretty awesome initiative! There should be a lab in America doing this! I want to EXTERMINATE...EXTERMINATE!

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