A Family is Turned Against Each Other in a Haunted House in The Fun Horror Short Film PLACE

I’ve got a well-made entertaining horror short film here for you to watch titled Place. The film was directed by Jason Gudasz and the story follows a small family who moves into a haunted house. This is the brief story summary that was shared:

Wanting a fresh start, Lauren (Emily Green) moves into a house with her daughter (Stella Edwards) and new boyfriend (Nick Hurley)—but the spirits of the house have plans to turn them all against each other in very bizarre ways.

This is kind of a strange yet horrifying story, and I enjoyed the dark, dry humor that was incorporated. If you enjoy horror films, I think you’ll enjoy what this has to offer.

Wanting a fresh start, Lauren (Emily Green) moves into a house with her daughter (Stella Edwards) and new boyfriend (Nick Hurley)—but the spirits of the house have plans to turn them all against each other in very bizarre ways. If you'd like to support the freelancers that made this (creator, cast, crew, etc), feel free to make a small donation via venmo to @jason-gudasz or just look at some other videos at www.jasongudasz.com. More importantly - if you're young and healthy please consider donating some of your awesome blood to the American Red Cross because there is a national shortage. Find a nearby drive or location at www.redcrossblood.org. Also please wash your beautiful hands.

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