A Green Lantern Character Is Rumored to Appear in JUSTICE LEAGUE — GeekTyrant

A Green Lantern Character Is Rumored to Appear in JUSTICE LEAGUE

From everything we've learned about Zack Snyder's Justice League film up until this point, Green Lantern has had no place in the film. We know that Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment plan on releasing their Green Lantern Corps film in 2020, but there's a chance we won't have to wait that long before we see the cosmic heroes up on the big screen. 

According to major scooper Umberto Gonzalez, Snyder will be including a Green Lantern character in Justice League after all.  He wouldn't reveal which one it is, but he does say that the character will have a "funny sounding name." That rules out Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, and any other human Green Lantern Corps characters. He says:

"Yes, there is a Green Lantern in Justice League, but I forgot how to pronounce it."

Since there's been no official confirmation of this from the studio or anyone involved with the development of Justice League, treat this as a rumor. However, it does make sense that we'd see some kind of Green Lantern action in the movie to set the corps up in the DCEU mythology. 

Characters it could be include Jediah Caul, Abin Sur, Tomar-Re, Isamot Kol, Vandor, Kilowog, Sheriff Mardin, and more. According to another site, Geek Feed, though, they were contacted six months ago by someone who had visited the set of the movie and said they saw some concept art on display of who the character could be. They say it's Abin Sure, who is the Green Lantern who passes the ring on to Hal Jordan. 

We'll just have to wait until we have confirmation or until the movie comes out on November 17th. What Green Lantern Corps character do you think it could be? Which character would you like it to be?

Via: Blastr

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