Legendary Entertainment Offers Update on the Status of POKÉMON: DETECTIVE PIKACHU Sequel
Back in 2019, fans got to see their favorite Pokémon brought to life in the movie Pokémon: Detective Pikachu. It was a critical and box office success with fans really enjoying the comedy and style of the film, so it felt natural that they’d roll out at least one more for us all to enjoy. But the studio has stayed quiet the past few years, leaving everyone to wonder if a sequel would happen at all.
A representative from Legendary Entertainment has now weighed in on the status of the possible second film, telling Polygon, the project is still “in active development,” but they could not confirm who was currently working on it. The Pokémon Company declined to comment when Polygon asked about its involvement with the development of the film or other projects that may have spun off since the release of the first Detective Pikachu.
In a recent conversation for their animated series Koala Man, Detective Pikachu writers Benji Samit and Dan Hernandez suggested they were not involved, but would love to be.
“It’s an ongoing conversation that is still not over to this day,” Samit said, adding that the situation was “complicated” and involved “a lot of big studio, corporate Pokémon rights things that we’re not privy to.”
When Legendary made the pre-release announcement in January 2019 that Detective Pikachu 2 was already in development, Oren Uziel, who had then written 22 Jump Street and a draft of Sonic the Hedgehog, was the one trying to catch the perfect Pikachu sequel idea. But representatives for Uziel tell Polygon that though he wrote an outline and screenplay for the movie, he is no longer working on the film and it’s unclear who has taken over.
This doesn’t sound super hopeful. What do you think? Would you like to see the second movie in the Detective Pikachu series get made?