A Look at the Extensive Career of Warwick Davis

The web series The Back Focus took a look at the incredible career of actor Warwick Davis, who is best known for his roles in Willow, the Harry Potter films, and Star Wars, just to name a few. Davis was born with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, a rare form of dwarfism that includes side effects that include skeletal abnormalities and vision and hearing loss. Doctors told his parents that he would never walk without assistance and probably would not live long. Boy, did he prove them wrong!

The near half-hour episode references Davis’s autobiography, Size Matters Not: The Extraordinary Life and Career of Warwick Davis, as well as shows pictures of his personal and professional life, telling stories and accounts of the incredible actor. My favorite role of Davis’s will always be Willow. I love that movie so much, and now my kids do as well. They think it’s so awesome that he’s Professor Flitwick in the Harry Potter movies too!

Here’s the video, I hope you enjoy and learn a lot, as I did. What’s your favorite Warwick Davis role?

This episode focuses on Warwick Davis, a dwarf actor who is best known for his roles in Star Wars, Harry Potter, Leprechaun, and Willow

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