A Man Who's Intensely Claustrophobic Crawls Through One of The Tightest Caves in The World

Videos Image Safe by Joey Paur

One of the things I enjoying doing in my free time is exploring cool places. I’ve done quite a bit of cave diving and old mine exploration. It makes me feel like I’m living The Goonies life for real! Anyway, I’ve got a fun video here for you to watch that features a guy who is super claustrophobic as he climbs through one of the tightest caves in the word.

The video came with the following note:

This was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life... I crawled for 10 hours through the most claustrophobic cave in the world, Ogof Y Daren Cilau, which is home to one of the tightest squeezes known, ‘The Vice’.

The deeper you go into the cave, the tighter it becomes. It looks pretty crazy! I’ve actually done something similar to this and it was pretty damn scary, but I would totally do it again! I’d definitely try this out! Would you?

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