A Mighty Monster Killing King Falls Into Depression in This Wonderful Animated Short ROYAL MADNESS

I’ve got a fantastic, beautifully animated fantasy short film for you to watch today called Royal Madness. The short tells the story of a mighty king who loses his purpose after hunting down and killing all the monsters in the land. With no monsters left to hunt and kill, the King falls into a deep depression. His daughter, the princess, makes an attempt to get her father back and pull him out of the funk that he’s in.

The film comes from GOBELINS and was directed by Eunbyeol Ko, Milàn Salmona, Mriganka Bhuyan, Romain Couderette, Sean Lewis, and Wenkai Wang. It’s really quite a wonderful story. As someone who goes through bouts of depression often, I was able to relate to this because my kinds help pull me out of those hard times.

Check out Royal Madness below and tell us what you think.

Il y a bien longtemps, un puissant roi, protégeant son royaume, chassa et élimina tous les monstres présents. Maintenant, sans plus aucun monstre vivant, il a perdu sa raison de vivre et sombre dans une dépression. Pour tenter de le sortir de son marasme, sa fille va mettre en place un projet fou...

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