A Mutant Priest Kills Heavy Metal Music Fans in Red-Band Trailer for DEATH TO METAL
A crazy-ass red-band trailer has been released for a upcoming horror comedy "metalsploitation" film titled Death to Metal. This movie looks like an insane, hyper, and wild ride! I will warn you, though, this trailer is filled with lots of jacked-up blood and gore.
The tag line for the film reads, "He has died. He has risen. He will kill.” In the story, “After a freak accident, a disturbed priest is transformed into a mutated killing machine on a mission to wipe out the godless fans of heavy metal music.”
The movie was directed by Tim Connery (Black Web), and it stars Alex Stein, Grace Melon, Andrew Jessop, Charlie Lind, and Dan Flannery, along with an appearance by Chelsea Byers as "Demon Grandma."
Death to Metal will be released direct-to-VOD in December. Check out the trailer and let us know if it looks like a film you’d be watching when it comes out. As you’ll see in the trailer, they go all out with the insane bloody violence.