A New Website Tells You Whether or Not You Were Killed By Thanos

As you know, the whole purpose for Thanos collecting the stone in Avengers: Infinity War is to snap his fingers and wipe out half of the universe. If you haven't seen the movie yet, I get into spoilers below.

If you've seen the movie, then you know that despite the valiant effort that the Marvel heroes put into stopping him, Thanos actually did accomplish his mission and half of the universe was obliterated.

For those of you who are wondering if you would have died in this event, there's now a fun little website called www.didthanoskill.me that will tell you.

I didn't make it guys. It told me that I was slain by Thanos for the good of the universe! I'll be honest, I'm a little bummed out about that. Once your fate has been handed out to you though, you can't change it. Dread it, run from it, but destiny still arrives no matter how many time you refresh your web browser.  I really do hope that the Avengers find a way to prevent Thanos from killing half the universe in Avengers 4

I want to live! 

Let us know if you lived or died in the comments below!

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