A Petition To Bring George Lucas Back To STAR WARS Already Has 5k Signatures

While a bulk of people have said that George Lucas' retreat from the Star Wars franchise has been a good thing, there is currently a small minority that wants him back. 5,000 signatures have gathered under a petition to bring the Star Wars creator BACK into the development of the movies. More specifically, they want him to direct Episode IX...

We have no problem with Colin Trevorrow , but he's not the right guy to direct Star Wars Episode IX . George Lucas as director of Episode IX would be the perfect way to end this new trilogy and make an epic farewell between the Father of Star Wars and the whole universe of the galaxy far, far away ....

The creator of the petition hails from Sao Paulo, Brazil, so his English is a little rough, but his intentions are clear...as are the responses of those who have signed...

"George Lucas is Star Wars. Period."

"If Lucas doesn't want to direct, that's okay...but please use his ideas and stories. Star Wars is a complex story with complex characters. The new movie has no direction, no plot, no story...and they've turned Han and Luke into irresponsible men who run from problems. It's disappointing what they've done to this franchise, and disrespectful what they've done to the integrity of the characters."

I'm signing this petition because we need good storytelling in movies nowadays and not just a lot of flashy camera angles and explosions like what JJ Abrams or disney would make.

In the week since its creation they are just about 2,000 short of their goal of 7,500 signatures. Is this a valid gripe?  Does Lucas have any right to be included again after selling his property? Is Star Wars George Lucas? Or is it bigger?

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