A Professional Hunter Breaks Down Hunting Scenes From Classic Movies

MovieVideos by Joey Paur

If you’ve ever wondered about the accuracy of hunting in the movies we see, GQ brought in professional hunter and tracker Steven Rinellato to break down and discuss the hunting scenes from various films. Those films include The Last of the Mohicans, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Wedding Crashers, The Revenant, Out of Africa, and Jeremiah Johnson.

As someone who has never really been hunting, there’s a lot in this video that I found informative. If you are an avid hunter, then I’m sure there are things pointed out in this video that you already knew. Regardless, it’s an interesting video worth checking out!

One thing that is made clear in the video is that hunting is not as fast as we see in the movies.

Professional hunter and tracker Steven Rinella breaks down hunting scenes from movies, including 'The Last of the Mohicans,' 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,' 'Wedding Crashers,' 'The Revenant,' 'Out of Africa' and 'Jeremiah Johnson.' Still haven't subscribed to GQ on YouTube?

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