A Spice Girls Animated Movie Is in the Works at Paramount Pictures
Paramount has announced its animation slate, letting us know of the upcoming animated projects we will be able to see soon, and the Spice Girls animated movie is on that list. Who wants to see that movie? I have no idea. But maybe there is a fanbase out there that I just don’t know about.
There has to be for them to make a whole movie, right? Anyhow, the movie will feature all five of the Spice Girls, which includes Melanie Brown (Scary), Emma Bunton (Baby), Melanie Chisholm (Sporty), Geri Halliwell (Ginger) and Victoria Beckham (Posh), which is quite a feat because the girl group hasn’t reunited in some time, as their recent tour only featured four of the ladies.
The studio is early in development on the animated movie, but hope to be able to release it some time in 2020. Will you be lined up to check out this movie? Are you a Spice Girls fan from way back? Tell us the truth…
via: THR