A Town Called Dragon - A Sit-Down With Judd Winick
Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with Judd Winick to go over his latest endeavor, A Town Called Dragon. The book centers around the town of Dragon, Colorado and the myths and legends that helped to give the town its name. As we find out in issue one, they might not be just legends. Here is a recap of my time with Judd.
Matt: Well, I had the chance to read issue 1, and I loved it.
Judd: Good to hear.
Matt: I did right off the bat want to give some kudos to the colorist, as the art in the book is incredibly well done. I have read a decent amount of fantasy books, so its not like I’m not used to seeing dragons, warriors, etc, but the art stood out from most others.
Judd: Thank you so much, Jamie Grant did a knockout job on the colors. She just took it home.
Matt: Now, you’ve done a variety of projects over the years, from straight up superheroes to original creations like Barry Ween, and things a bit more personal in nature like Pedro and Me. Why did you want to take on this project?
Judd: Well, I mean my career is still in its younger phase, and I’ve done several projects, but this one is definitely a lot different, pretty left field of my last one, Buzzkill. I think this is why Bob Shreck asked me to do this project, as I’m a huge fan of monsters and creatures, especially large creatures. Something about the scale of it and the level of detail you can reach with it. The horror aspect of it is extremely fun to draw and create, and I think it's something that I was game for doing. It was a chance to draw a dragon really, which I guess is everyone's fantasy [laughter]. I mean, you really can’t say no, so it was a pretty easy sell.
Matt: How many issues is A Town Called Dragon?
Judd: It is a 5 issue series that will be released as a trade. It's a singular story that has a beginning, middle, and end.
Matt: I got a very, especially in the beginning, a very Neverending Story vibe from it. Most likely because I’m just a huge fan of that movie, but also due to the fantastical elements mixed with modern day times premise. In the first issue we are introduced to Cooper, Mickey, and a few other side characters like Kelly and Wilsonl. Is there a character that you enjoy writing more?
Judd: Oh gosh, the book has so many great characters in it, and that is one of my favorite things to draw as well. I love monsters, but I really get a kick out of acting through my drawings. I mean, I get up from my desk and pretty much act everything out before I draw it, so it is just another draw for me taking on the project, as the book has a great variety of characters living in this small town. I guess so far as my favorite goes, I mean, I think probably Mickey would be my favorite to draw. I don’t know if that came across with you, as he’s kind of the most animated of the bunch.
Matt: I would very much agree.
Judd: You know, he's a shorter guy as far as stature, but he’s a livewire, and really enthusiastic, so I had a lot of fun bringing him to life in particular. Each character though has their own quirk, and it's really fun getting to the core of who that character is and what makes them tick. I think this book is really good in that it is focused around the differences in these characters and how it brings them all together.
Matt: Also, it's very lighthearted, and it offsets the gore that sporadically pops up throughout
Judd: Hahaha, yeah, very much so.
Matt: People are getting their chests ripped out and then all of the sudden it is back to life as usual. One of my favorite scenes is in the diner and Mickey just climbed this mountain, which is an achievement of its own, but he just climbed this thing,
Judd: Right
Matt: and in describing a much more important event, that there could be something happening under their noses, he mentions how he climbed the mountain. The three locals in the diner just can't fathom that he actually climbed it. They couldn't care less what he is talking about, they don't care about intruders or eco-terrorists, they just care about the fact that he's lying about climbing this mountain...
Judd: Right, right [laughter]
Matt: and its those moments that make the book shine.
Judd: Exactly, yeah it is pretty silly, but you know its a small town like that, that has a lot of, well, where that sounds so ridiculous, I guess the perspective of a small town person is more focused on what is going on day to day. The book does really have a kind of whimsical and lighthearted vibe to it, and that was a huge sell for me as well.
Matt: Yeah, and there are a great deal of books that are darker in tone or more realistic, but they are the same throughout. What makes these moments stick out is the fact that the entire book isn't like that. It makes them have more impact.
Judd: Yeah, that's a huge thing, and a staple of a really good story in and of itself, is integrating a good amount of humor into it, because it would be really easy to tell a story about dragons and people fighting dragons, and take it very earnestly and seriously. I don't want to name names but that has been done, and numerous times in certain films and books where it was perhaps taken a little too seriously and I think that contrast really draws the reader in. I always say that you can't make me cry unless you can make me laugh. If you care about the characters first, then facing a dragon, when that comes to a head and that actually happens, you are going to care about the characters a little bit more and what happens to them. I think this book has a really keen balance of that.
Matt: Absolutely, and it is welcome to have something a little bit lighter in tone. Again, it's not that it does not have serious moments in it either.
Judd: Sure, sure.
Matt: Now when does the second issue release?
Judd: Oh man, I'm not sure. It's in October, I have it around here somewhere...
Judd: I'm in the hotel actually finishing the last issue now, so I haven't been really focused on the release dates, but next month, could be sooner.
Matt: You mentioned you are working on the last issue already. From the first issue to issue 5, what is the character, or not even character but thing, that you have seen the most growth in? Is it Mickey or is is someone else that you didn't see coming? Someone who started out as kind of a blank slate character but quickly grew into something else?
Judd: Hmmm, well, that's an interesting question. I mean, without giving away anything, each character in the book, and a couple of the characters primarily, but they all have their own hangups, and their own reasons for finding themselves in this out of the way small town. I think the character who grows the most, well, they all grow, and there are several characters, but I don't want to give things away. I'd say Cooper and Mickey are at the forefront of the story, and they go through the biggest transformation. Underneath the surface of the dragon story, I think there is a very human tale about people finding a greater purpose, and I think, you know, what better way to find a purpose in life than to save your town from being burnt to a crisp.
Matt: Yeah, prevention of death by dragon is a wonderful motivational tool I'd say. Okay, so two things. One, does Kelly ever learn how to make a cup of coffee?
Judd: Haha, I don't actually think she does. I'm not sure that she ever will. Haha.
Matt: Two, at some point when the book becomes popular, will there be any kind of merchandising of the farting dragon?
Judd: Hahaha, yeah, that was fun. I don't know, but I would buy one of those.
Matt: Yeah, I would too.
Judd: That was a really fun quirk in the story, and I tried to make him as cool and cute as possible. I tried to draw a toy dragon that I would want, and I think I succeeded [laughter].
Matt: It was just nice to have Wilson completely give up and go the used car salesman route of "Well, I'm just going to try and bribe you," so if you're not interested in getting some gas, how about a little farting dragon? At that point, it was time for plan B. Haha.
Judd: Haha, yeah Wilson, he's a great character too.
Matt: Well our time is running low, so are there any parting thoughts you would like to leave with someone who might be on the fence about giving the first issue a chance?
Judd: I would say that with any new book it's, new readers are always hesitant to jump on board, especially with dragons since they've been done and done and done, but I would just say try it out, because at its core it's a fun book. I mean, if you get nothing else with this story you're going to have a good time reading it, and it's not too heavy. Its not a book that requires any deep interpretation or philosophical hours of study or thinking. I mean you could, there are always some deeper elements, but it's a fun story, and at the very least you are going to have a good time, and I dare you not to want to pick up the second issue after you've read the first one.
Matt: Cool beans, and I'm going to pick up the next issue anyway, just because I want my wife to read it, because while she hasn't completely gone all in on fantasy things like dragons, ancient legends, etc, she does tend to like things that have a modern feel and a little bit of humor. I feel this book is good for people who don't often read comics, especially ones who aren't used to the format. This is a great book to introduce them to the medium, as it's very easy to get into, and that helps them just accept the huge creatures and fantasy elements, because they've bonded with the characters, and it gives them a great walking in point.
Judd: Absolutely, and it's the characters that really sell the book. I mean you have a kick ass dragon in the story, but I think the characters and the ragtag group of misfits that are drawn together to defeat this unsurmountable force, that's the real draw of the story .I think there is a character that almost anybody can associate with.
Matt: Well ,I look forward to issue two, and thank you for taking some time to talk, really appreciate it.
Judd: Yeah, no problem. Thank you!
Well there you have it, and make sure to check out the 1st issue (out now) and the upcoming issue 2 that releases on October 22nd. A special thanks to Legendary Comics for giving me the chance to speak to Judd as well.