Aaron Sorkin Is Considering Making a Sequel to THE SOCIAL NETWORK

If you’re a fan of Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher’s The Social Network, which tells the the story of Mark Zuckerberg and the founding of Facebook, you might be interested to learn that Sorkin is considering making a sequel.

Sorkin recently sat down for an interview with AP Entertainment and talked about how the original film’s producer, Scott Rudin, has been consistently pushing the filmmaker to write and script for the sequel.

“I’ve gotten more than one email from him with an article attached saying, ‘Isn’t it time for a sequel?'”

With everything that Zuckerberg and Facebook have gone through since the film was released, there’s certainly enough intriguing drama there to tell another great story. When talking about the potential for the sequel, Sorkin said:

“First of all, I know a lot more about Facebook in 2005 than I do in 2018, but I know enough to know that there should be a sequel. A lot of very interesting, dramatic stuff has happened since the movie ends with settling the lawsuit from the Winklevoss Twins and Eduardo Saverin.”

I’d totally be up for a sequel to The Social Network! I hope that Sorkin ends up deciding to write it. I’d love to see how he would continue the story for Zuckerberg and how he would handle all of the craziness that Facebook has gone through in recent years.

Would you be interested in seeing a sequel to The Social Network?

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