Kevin Feige Discusses THE ETERNALS and Says It Could Span "Tens of Thousands of Years"

MarvelThe Eternals by Joey Paur

Are you ready to get even more excited about the future of the MCU, in particular The Eternals? Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige recently talked about the future of the Marvel films with Collider, explaining:

“Everything after [Avengers] Endgame, and after Spider-Man: Far From Home, will be different and be unique, as we try to make every film. But seeing returning characters is certainly something we’re gonna do and want to do. But also introducing characters that the majority of the world has never heard of, much like Guardians [of the Galaxy], much like Avengers before we made Avengers. And there are lots of them.”

He went on to talk about The Eternals, and explained that it could span tens of thousands of years, which is pretty exciting and absolutely fascinating. He says:

“Eternals are one group, but we like the idea of introducing an ensemble, doing an ensemble movie from the start, as opposed to building up as we did with the first Avengers. More like Guardians, not tonally, but in terms of introducing a new group of people.

“You were asking about ’60s, and ’70s before. Jack Kirby did an immense, amazing epic with Eternals that spans tens of thousands of years, and that’s also something we haven’t really done, which is why that among many other things post-Endgame, we find appealing.”

This is one of the future Marvel films that I’m incredibly excited about. I love the cosmic side of the Marvel universe and a film that focuses on The Eternals will take that to a whole new level!

The Eternals is being directed Chloe Zhaol (The Rider) from a script written by Matthew and Ryan Firpo. The comic was created by Jack Kirby, and the story is set millions of years ago “when the cosmic beings known as the Celestials genetically experimented on humans, creating the super-powered individuals as well as more villainous off-shoots known as the Deviants.” Those two groups went on to battle each other throughout history to see which would eventually become the ultimate race.

It was also previously reported that the film will revolve around the female Eternal known as Sersi. She has the ability to manipulate cosmic energy to grant herself virtual immortality, invulnerability, and reshape the molecules of other people or objects.

Marvel is also expected to assemble a very diverse cast for the film and they are expected to start putting together that cast early next summer. The other characters include Ikaris, Piper, Elysius, Gilgamesh, Makkari, Thena, Zuras, and Starfox. You can read up on some of the characters that are said to be included in the film here.

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