Add More Fey to Your D&D Game with NINE NAUGHTY FEY
Dungeons & Dragons is full of all kinds of fantasy creatures. If you’re a DM and need some evil fey or even just dubious fey, you may want to consider Jeff Ibach’s Nine Naughty Fey. This unofficial supplement brings nine fey creatures from D&D 3.5 to the modern 5E. T
hese creatures include the Banshrae, Frostwind Virago, Jaebrin, Joystealer, Lunar Ravager, Master of the Hunt (and his Hound of the Hunt), Ruin Chanter, Shaedling and Verdant Prince as well as alternate versions of Frostwind Viragos for some added variety. Statblocks and descriptions are provided for all these monsters for you to quickly use.
You can purchase Nine Naughty Fey from DMs Guild for $1.