Adult Swim Announces New Animated Shows ROYAL CRACKERS and SMILING FRIENDS


Adult Swim has announced two new original animated series that fans are sure to get a kick out of. The shows are titled Royal Crackers and Smiling Friends.


Royal Crackers comes from Jason Ruiz (Murder Police), and it will focus on two brothers: “Stebe, a family man with a wife and child; and Theo Jr., a single, bass guitar player trying to relive his glory days. Together they reside in their comatose father’s house waiting for him to die (which he never does) so they can inherit his cracker company empire.”

The series is produced by Titmouse and it will premiere on Adult Swim in 2022.


Then there’s Smiling Friends, an animated take on self-help created by Michael Cusack (YOLO: Crystal Fantasy) and Zach Hadel (Hellbenders). The pilot for Smiling Friends originally aired during Adult Swim’s 2019 April Fool’s Day stunt, and it had a huge reaction from the fans.

In the show, “Smiling Friends Inc. lends a helping hand to any city inhabitant who calls its hotline. No matter how absurd the situation, the company sends cynical Charlie and star employee Pim to save the day. Smiling Friends is a quarter-hour animated series that will premiere on Adult Swim later this year.”

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