Age of Apocalypse #1 Preview
Battleworld is getting mighty full these days, but when it comes to Age of Apocalypse, I will always be interested. The creative team of Fabian Nicieza and Gerardo Sandoval are taking us back to En Sabah Nur's grim reality, where he is firmly in control. The X-Men are down but not out, and have a ray of hope in a mutant named Cypher, which they must keep out of Apocalypse's hands.
You can see a preview of the book below, and I really couldn't be happier with the art style. With how dark this universe can be, you need an artist and a colorist that can bring some color to the proceedings, otherwise it all ends up as one big palette of black and gray.
I'll also be interested to see how this ties in (or if it does at all) with Rick Remender's X-Force run, in which X-Force came in contact with the X-Men from AOA, and how things ended there. I guess we will find out when it releases on July 8th. You can catch the array of variants below as well, and that Skottie Young version is going up on my wall.