Now I have even more reason to be excited for season two of Agent Carter. Why? Because the series will tie into the world of Doctor Strange! This season will play with the mystical and supernatural realm of the Marvel universe.

The series will include the Darkforce, which is an extra-dimensional negative energy. In the comics, many characters that get their powers from the Darkforce. It's one of the reasons why Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) heads to Los Angeles. She will be investigating this power. In the series, it'll be referred to as Isodyne.

Showrunner Michele Fazekas went into some detail about it during an interview with CBR:

"Basically, Isodyne is a company that we invented based in part on real life companies like Radiodyne or General Atomic or the beginnings of the Jet Propulsion Lab -- all of which were in L.A. in the '40s, and were developing the space program and were developing nukes. That's what Isodyne is, and what you'll learn is they were involved in the nuclear testing out in the desert when they were testing the, at the time they were calling it the atom bomb -- and one of these tests didn't go as expected. You'll learn more about that in Season 2, but they stumble upon what people in the Marvel Universe will know as Darkforce, but because they've never seen it before they just name it Zero Matter. That's our tie-in to the 'Doctor Strange' universe, and also to 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' because you've seen it in 'S.H.I.E.L.D.' as well."

The Darkforce also played a part in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. In the first season, the villain Blackout was powered by it. That doesn't mean it will work the same way in Agent Carter, though. Fazekas  said:

"The cool thing about what we learned as we researched Darkforce over the course of Marvel comic book history is, it affects people in different ways. It's created a bunch of superheroes, it's created a bunch of villains, and it has all these different properties. It could be a liquid, it could be a gas, it could be a solid, it could give you powers, it could kill you. It has a lot of different applications, which was cool for us. We were able to select what we liked and sort of make our own rules as to what it does, how it operates, and who it affects in our world."

I'm excited to see how exactly the Darkforce is used in Agent Carter. The Darkforce is behind the creation of some of Doctor Strange's villains. I'm sure more info will be revealed when Agent Carter returns on Tuesday, January 19th on ABC.

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