All of HARRY POTTER Summarized In Massive Comic Strip
Harry Potter is one of the most amazingly well-crafted stories of all time. It's a whole world that was fully conceived by J. K. Rowling. Not since Lord of The Rings has a book series become an utter cultural phenomenon. It's left a mark on a whole generation who grew up reading, and then watching, the story of Harry Potter unfold.
Artist Lucy Knisley has summarized the epic seven book series in a a gigantic one sheet comic strip. Each book is visually summed up in two rows with about ten to twelve panels per row. This is clearly the work of a superfan. I can't even imagine how long it would take to do this.
At the time of writing, the artist's website seems to be down. So I'm not sure if prints of this work are available.
Click the comic below to view it full sized.
Source: Lucy Knisley — Found via /Film.