Altered Reality Photo Series by François Dourlen
Professor of history François Dourlen has taken up the hobby of photographing his phone with something from movies, TV, and video games on the screen. What's on the screen in some way ties into the background, making for a kind of alternate reality in which these pop culture icons are part of the real world.
Dourlen (via Bored Panda) on how he was inspired to start taking these photographs:
Like many people, I always imagine weird things when I walk in the street, when I work or when I’m home. But I never found a good way to tell what goes through my head. One day, wanting to make a joke with friends, I replaced a statue of Napoleon in Cherbourg with a picture of my little pony in my phone and took a picture. I had so much fun that I put it on facebook, people immediately liked. I remade another photo in this style, people still loved [it], I made another and another … I had finally found a way to tell all the stupid things that I think [all] the time! And above all a way to show people what I have in the head. My associations of ideas. And above all a means of sharing. It’s not my job, I’m a professor of history. I continue to take these photos as it amuses me. I do not think it will become my job, I love mine and it’s better [that] it’s still a hobby, which allows me to remain free in my creative efforts.
I've only included a small sampling of his work. There are more on his website and Facebook page.
H/T: Geek X Girls