Amusing Music Video Pays Tribute to People Who Work From Home — GeekTyrant

Amusing Music Video Pays Tribute to People Who Work From Home

Working from home is becoming more and more of a common thing in society these days. I’ve been working from home for the past four years. If you have ever worked from home, you know it’s not easy and you have to be disciplined as hell. I’m pretty damn good at working from home. The hardest part for me is after the kids get home from school.

Here's a fun music video for you to watch by Tripp and Tyler called Hardly Working From Home. It shows you how easy it can be to get sidetracked. 

An anthem dedicated to those who work from home - small business owners, freelancers and dentists on the days that they don't have any appointments and try to take care of all their admin outside of the office.

If you are part of the revolution of people working at home, I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this. 

An anthem dedicated to those who work from home - small business owners, freelancers and dentists on the days that they don't have any appointments and try to take care of all their admin outside of the office.

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