An Established Marvel Cinematic Universe Character Will Come Out as Gay
Over the years Marvel Studios has been working on building more diversity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In Avengers: Endgame, a minor gay character was introduced in the movie, who was played by director Joe Russo. The character was introduced during a group meeting lead by Steve Rogers about dealing with the aftermath of Thanos and The Snap.
Some people felt that this gay representation in the film wasn’t enough, but there is going to be a big announcement coming regarding an already established character in the MCU. During an interview with EW, Joe discussed his cameo in Endgame and in the process was asked who else is gay? This was his response:
“Uhhh... We’re gonna find out! There is a gay character coming up in one of their films, and I think Kevin [Feige, MCU boss] will make that announcement, I’m sure pretty soon.”
The question is who could it be? Valkyrie’s sexuality has been discussed in the past, and it has been hinted that she might be bisexual from a scene that was cut from Thor: Ragnarok. There has also been speculation among the fans that Captain Marvel could be gay. I’ve also seen some discussions on Sam Wilson possibly being gay. But, there are numerous possibilities.
Regardless of who it is, there’s going to be an announcement regarding it. Gay, straight, I don’t care as long as Marvel keeps telling great stories with these great characters.
Who do you all think Russo is referring to here?