An Evil Mummy Wreaks Havoc in Trailer For THE MUMMY REBORN

While Universal Pictures is looking at rebooting their classic movie monster franchises, High Octane Pictures is releasing their own Mummy monster movie called The Mummy Reborn. While this is more of a low budget movie with a bunch of actors that you’ve never heard of, it looks a lot more entertaining than Tom Cruise’s Mummy movie!

The Mummy Reborn tells of a group of teens in financial ruin that decide to rob the local antique store of an ancient amulet. But what they don't realize is that this tomb is cursed, and when the amulet is separated from it's master he will do anything to get it back. Our burglars must save the day and return the Mummy to it's tomb before it is too late to save the world.

The movie was directed by Dan Allen from a script he wrote with Scott Jeffrey. It stars Becca Hirani (The House on Elm Lake), Tara MacGowran (Mandy the Doll), and Rita Siddiqui (Pet Graveyard).

The Mummy Reborn will be available on VOD and DVD April 4th. Watch the trailer and let us know what you think!

Uploaded by October Coast on 2019-03-22.

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