An H.P. Lovecraft Trilogy Is Being Planned by the Team Behind COLOR OUT OF SPACE

The team behind the upcoming film adaptation of the H.P. Lovecraft story Color Out of Space is looking to develop a trilogy of films based on the wonderfully dark stories of Lovecraft.

Color Out of Space stars Nicolas Cage and was directed by Richard Stanley. It was produced by SpectreVision, and founders Elijah Wood and Daniel Noah recently talked to Coming Soon which is where they revealed their plans, the next film of which could be an adaptation of The Dunwich Horror which is set in Massachusetts and deals with witchcraft, cattle mutilations, aliens, and all kinds of other Lovecraftian greatness. It’s also one of the few stories that Lovecraft wrote wherein the heroes successfully defeat the villain of the story.

Wood and Noah explained that if there’s “enough of an appetite for these things, and we can keep them going and make at least three of them” they then added that Lovecraft is “such an important voice in horror.” It was also explained that the reason Wood and Noah wanted to produce Stanley’s Color Out of Space script is because it was faithful to the spirit of Lovecraft, which isn’t something that is easy to do. Noah said:

“Lovecraft is possibly the most adapted horror author ever. But there’s really never been a totally faithful adaptation of any of his works. I think there are a few that are sort of close. One of them is the German version of Color Out of Space that came out a few years ago. Stuart Gordon’s films are wonderful, but they are more Stuart Gordon than they are Lovecraft. We had been hellbent on finding the Lovecraft adaptation that truly captured cosmic dread without the camp. When we encountered Richard Stanley’s script, I remember texting Elijah after I read the first page and said, ‘This is it. We found it.’ When you see this film, you’ll see that there are all kinds of little references that are allusions to other Lovecraft stories.”

The first trailer for Color Out of Space was recently released, and in case you missed it, you can check it out here. If they are happy with the outcome of this film, chances are they will want to continue working with Richard Stanely on the future movies as well.

I’m looking forward to watching Color Out of Space, and if it actually turns out to be good, I’ll gladly come back for a couple of other movies!

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