Andy Serkis Says Matt Reeves' THE BATMAN Is "Another Masterpiece Film"


Andy Serkis and Matt Reeves have a strong working relationship with each other as they worked together on the Planet of the Apes films. They are now working together on The Batman, and Serkis is taking on the role of Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne’s butler and closest confidante.

There’s a lot of excitement surrounding the film and fans are going to be treated with some exciting surprises during its DC FanDome presentation later this month. We’re definitely gong to get a new trailer! While we wait for that, Serkis recently shared his thoughts on The Batman during an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

While the actor wouldn’t reveal any story details, he did say that Reeves made another masterpiece, saying:

"I'll tell you that it was fantastic being reunited with Matt Reeves, [producer] Dylan Clark and [VFX supervisor] Dan Lemmon from the Apes films. We had such a great time making it, and when it eventually comes to the screen, Matt Reeves will have made another masterpiece film because he's so super invested in it. But yeah, I've been forbidden, expressly forbidden, to talk about Alfred."

Well, the fans are certainly hoping that The Batman will be a masterpiece! We really want this to be a great Batman movie!

The Batman is a dark, noir-style story that will lean into Batman in the detective mode aspect of the character. Reeves said that it’s going to tell a deep and psychological story. This will be a “year two” story for Batman that acknowledges his origin and how it’s still something that he’s “majorly struggling” with.

There will be a series of murders and crimes that start taking place in Gotham and as Batman investigates those things, they begin to reveal the darkness of Gotham City to him.

The film also stars Robert Pattinson as Batman, Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, Colin Farrell as Oswald Cobblepot/Penguin, Paul Dano as Edward Nashton/The Riddler, Jayme Lawson as Bella Reál, John Turturro as Carmine Falcone, and Peter Sarsgaard as Gil Colson. Gil Perez-Abraham (Orange is the New Black), Charlie Carver (Teen Wolf), and Max Carver have also been cast in undisclosed roles.

The Batman is now scheduled to hit theaters on March 4th, 2022.

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