Andy Serkis Shares His Thoughts on The Possible Return of Snoke in STAR WARS: EPISODE IX
Like a lot of fans, Andy Serkis isn't entirely convinced that we've seen the last Supreme Leader in this latest Star Wars trilogy.
Yeah, I know we all saw him surprisingly killed off in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but is he truly gone? Most likely... no. There's still so much mystery behind the character, so many questions that we need answers to! I'm hoping that those answers come with J.J. Abrams' Episode IX.
During an interview with /Film, Serkis was asked about the future of Snoke in the franchise and this is what he had to say:
"Look, it’s Star Wars, so you never know how life, or whether life can be come back to or not. Whether you can be resuscitated or brought back. I was shocked. Dramatically, it felt absolutely right for that moment in the film, so I didn’t question it. I just think it’s a very, very important scene, so I didn’t question it. But I do, I know it’s left fans feeling like, that they were really searching for something there. And what I’m saying is, who knows?"
I'll tell you who knows... J.J. Abrams knows! But, he's obviously not going to spill the beans on any of his plans for Episode IX. If the next chapter in the saga goes into depth on Kylo Ren's path to the dark side and the Knights of Ren, then Snoke will have to be included, even if they are flashback scenes. Then, of course, he could come back as a Force Ghost. Maybe we'll see Snoke and Luke Skywalker's Force Ghosts fight! Probably now, but we'll just have to wait and see how things play out.
All I know is the fans want answers and if they don't get the answers they are looking for in Episode IX, there will be riots in the streets!
If Snoke does come back, how do you think that might happen?