Another Character Confirmed to Return For AVENGERS: ENDGAME — GeekTyrant

Another Character Confirmed to Return For AVENGERS: ENDGAME

With Thanos’ snap came the death of half of all living things in the universe. We watched a lot of our favorite characters fade away into ash. We know some of these characters are coming back because of the future films in development, and we know that some of them will be showing up in Avengers: Endgame.

Well, today it seems like we have confirmation of another character who will appear in Endgame as the actor recently posted videos on instagram for the reshoots that have been taking place.

Before I go on, I’m going to throw this up:

There’s one character that was killed off in Avengers: Infinity War that we weren’t sure would show up in Endgame because she wasn’t killed by the snap. She was killed when Thanos threw her off the edge of a cliff so that he could obtain the Soul Stone.

That’s right, Zoe Saldana is going to be back as Gamora in Avengers: Endgame and here are the videos she posted:

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Yep! 🐸🐛🐊🦖🐍🐢🦎

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The big question is… will Gamora be brought back to life somehow? Or, will she be featured in a scene that takes place prior to the events of Infinity War? We do know that there will be some scenes like that in the movie with other characters, so it is a possibility.

With Gamora set to return, it also means that Loki and Vision could return as well. They were also killed by Thanos prior to the snap.

What do you think about Gamora’s return? What are your theories on how she will be utilized in Endgame?

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