APOCALYPSE UNTREATED is an Upcoming Audible Original Thriller from Author Gaby Dunn

Gaby Dunn is a writer and later this month she’s launching a new Audible Original called Apocalypse Untreated. This Audible exclusive audio adventure will feature a full cast with Chanel Ali (Girl Code), Jes Tom (Soojung Dreams of Fiji), and Adam Faison (Everything’s Going To Be Ok) starring. The thriller aims to explore the themes of survival, queer identity, and mental health.

[Apocalypes Untreated follows] five mentally ill teenagers in an inpatient wilderness program during the apocalypse face not only the end of the world, but also the end of their prescriptions. Now, they have to figure out what’s real and what’s just a side effect, and keep their wits about them as they fight for their lives and their minds.

You can check out the trailer for Apocalypse Untreated below and you’ll be able to listen to the full thing on September 24.

Five mentally ill teenagers in an inpatient wilderness program during the apocalypse face not only the end of the world, but also the end of their prescriptions. Now, they have to figure out what’s real and what’s just a side effect, and keep their wits about them as they fight for their lives and their minds. Apocalypse Untreated is a multi-part, scripted, post-apocalyptic Audible Original brought to life with world class sound design, and performance. The story moves between real-time action, audio diaries, and archival therapy sessions as our central characters struggle for survival in a deteriorating world. Created by Gaby Dunn, an actor, podcaster, LGBTQ activist and New York Times bestselling author, Apocalypse Untreated is a thriller focused on themes of survival, queer identity, and mental health. Also starring, Chanel Ali (Girl Code), Jes Tom (Soojung Dreams of Fiji) Adam Faison (Everything’s Going To Be Ok) and a full cast. Note: This series contains adult themes and is intended for mature audiences only.

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