Apparently Unicron Might Be Too Big To Tackle in The TRANSFORMERS Film Franchise

I loved what director Travis Knight did with the new Bumblebee film and I’m excited to see more Transformers movies like this one! As Paramount Pictures continues to produce these movies, I really hope that they stay on the track that Bumblebee laid for them.

I’d be so disappointed if they go back to making Transformers crap again after this glorious cinematic experience! In a recent interview with /Film, producer Lorenzo Di Bonaventura said, “We are going to do another big Transformers movie. It is going to be different than the ones that we’ve done before.”

I’m happy to hear that we’ll get another movie; the question is, will it be as good as Bumblebee? He went on to talk about how they have been looking to evolve the Transformers movie experience for the fans and give them something new. He explains:

“When we did the first movie, at first there was a lot of pushback that we weren’t doing it the way it was done before. My feeling was always that if we’d done it, you would’ve gone, ‘Well, I’ve already seen it.’ So how do you evolve things forward is I think the hardest thing because you’ve got to retain why people love it, but at the same time if you give them the same experience, they’re going to be bored with it.”

Fans certainly did get bored with what Michael Bay was doing with the franchise. They should have tried doing something new a long time ago. I think they’ve learned a lot about the franchise with Bumblebee though, so it’s better late than never to get the franchise on the right track!

One character I’ve always been interested in seeing brought to the franchise was the giant planet Unicron. He’s just such an interestingly massive character that would be so cool to see brought to life. But, according to Di Bonaventura, the character might just be too big.

“Okay, I’m going to be controversial. I’m not a fan of Unicron. It’s too big. It’s so big it’s beyond any sort of relatable thing I think, for me personally. That doesn’t mean it’s not going to be in the series someday. I don’t know that I’ve thought much about it honestly because we’ve been focused on this movie.”

Ugh. That’s disappointing. This is the guy who is helping lead the character of the Transformers franchise, and he doesn’t see how he could make Unicron work? That’s a shame. There are a lot of fans and talented people working in the industry that could find a way to make the character work and tell a great story with him. Hell, Transformers: The Movie did it wonderfully!

Oh, well. While we may not see Unicron anytime soon, at least they have the franchise finally headed in the right direction and I can’t wait to see where it goes next!

What are some of your ideas regarding the future of the franchise? Are there any characters you’d like to see the studio focus on next? What do you think would be the best way to handle a character like Unicron?

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