AQUAMAN Gets the Honest Trailer Treatment We've Been Waiting For

“Watch as the pure charisma of Jason Momoa supercharges the character, transforming him into a sexy undersea Superman who’s super fast, super strong… a lot of the time, and mostly invulnerable? Okay, so his powers are kind of inconsistent, but so what? Everyone knows that this Aquaman’s real powers are the smolder.”

We have finally been given an Honest Trailer for Aquaman! And who doesn’t love a good Honest Trailer? No one, I tell you. I love them because they poke fun even at movies that are totally enjoyable. It’s almost like the Weird Al treatment of our time, wherein you love the original, you love the spoof, it’s all just a good time!

They point out the excessive storylines, the crazy amount of locations, the laughable amount of times that conversations are interrupted by explosions, the fact that Patrick Wilson spends most of his screen time screaming, and how it’s pretty incredible that they took the dorkiest superhero and turned him into the sheer beauty that is Jason Momoa.

Watch the video below and enjoy!

Remember that nerd who could talk to fish? Well he's a hunky hero now - it's Aquaman! Watch The Honest Trailers Commentary!

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