ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT Season 5 Part 2 is Coming to Netflix Next Month and Here Are Some Photos

Netflix has announced that Arrested Development Season 5 Part 2 is going to premiere next month on March 15th.

I’ve enjoyed this show over the years, but the hype for it has died down since it came to Netflix. A lot of fans feel the quality of the show has just gone down and find that it’s not as funny as it used to be. I’ll keep watching it until the bitter end, though. I imagine the show will come to a close after these final eight episodes are released.

Here’s an official description that was released for the upcoming episodes:

In the second half of Arrested Development’s fifth season, pressures mount on the Bluth family as Buster heads toward a murder trial. The Bluth company is on the hook to build a ‘smart’ border wall that puts them in debt and risks exposing a software hoax perpetrated by George-Michael.  Soon the gay mafia is involved and it appears that even Michael can’t save the family this time. And Tobias becomes a Golden Girl.

I included some photos that have been released of the upcoming episodes thanks to EW. Are you looking forward to the return of Arrested Development? Are you looking forward to it coming to an end?

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