ARROW - 2 New Clips and Spoiler Info
If you're like me, then you've been impatiently waiting for next Wednesday to see where Arrow is headed after that crazy midseason finale! We already teased a little bit of info earlier in the week about Felicity, now we have two new clips and more spoilers for what to expect the next couple episodes. Watch the clips for the upcoming "Blast Radius" and read below for the spoilers going forward from there.
So what can we expect following the return of Arrow? Well judging from the IMDB page and Comicbook Movie, we know for sure Roy will begin training as Red Arrow at some point! New villains appear and old ones return (Bronze Tiger), the hunt for Brother Blood, and Laurel gets arrested for drug abuse after getting to close to the truth! Sadly very little information was delved out on Slade in the synopsis, but I'm sure we will see plenty of what led to his downfall. I'm so ready for next Wednesday after hearing this!