AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER Comes to SMITE and HD Version Streaming on Netflix Now
SMITE is a popular MOBA available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Now, the game is getting some awesome new skins from Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. According to the official site, fans will be able to purchase the Avatar Battle Pass next month to get an Aang skin for Merlin, Zuko skin for Susano, and Korra skin (along with Naga) for Skadi. In addition, there will be an Appa ward skin and an emote “honoring unlucky cabbage vendors.” In addition to the normal skins, there will also be prestige skins showcasing the two avatars in the Avatar state and Zuko as the Blue Spirit. Anyone else going to give the game a try now?
In addition to the news about joining SMITE, Netflix released some news recently about watching ATLA on their streaming service. In a recent tweet, the streaming giant revealed they’ve now upgraded the series to the HD version so fans can rewatch the series in greater glory.