AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Pre-Credits Battle Scene Tease — GeekTyrant

AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Pre-Credits Battle Scene Tease

The recent issue of Empire Magazine provides some interesting details regarding a pre-credit battle scene with the Avengers in Avengers: Age of Ultron. I'll just throw out a Spoiler Warning now for anyone not looking to learn anything else about this movie. But you clicked on the article, so you obviously are here to keep reading.

According to the report, the superhero team pays a little visit to Hydra operative Baron von Strucker, who is played by Thomas Kretschmann. He is hiding out in an East European castle and he has Loki's scepter in his possession. When talking about the sequence, director Joss Whedon described it as being a "pre-credits Bondian blow-out." 

Some big things happen there, and when it's over the superhero team is flying back to New York City in Tony Stark's quinjet, and everyone seems to be very distraught. Here's a description of what is happening in this scene, and it gives us an idea of how hardcore this battle must have been:

As Stark is flying the ship, [Robert] Downey Jr. goes and sits in the pilot's seat. [Jeremy] Renner lies down on a table in the middle of the jet and clutches his stomach while a fake drip is attached to his arm. It's clear that, whatever went down at von Strucker's, it has left the Avengers' ace archer in considerable distress. As the dialogue plays out, it becomes clear that [Mark Ruffalo's] Bruce Banner has Hulked out, or what he calls a "code green," during the assault on Strucker's fortress, and is deeply troubled by it. [Scarlett Johansson's] Natasha tries to reassure him - "If you hadn't been there, there would have been double the casualties." Banner grimaces, and replies with, "You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn't exactly what I want to hear." Seeking back-up, Natasha turns to [Chris Hemsworth's] Norse god. "Thor, report on the Hulk?" she asks. Hemsworth immediately lights up and lets rip with a rousing tribute to all the violence unleashed by the Hulk, filled with words like "screams" and "victims" and "whimpering". Seeing that it has the opposite effect to that intended on Banner, the God of Thunder turns God of Blunter, stammering and stumbling, digging himself deeper into a hole.

We've seen parts of this movie opening in the trailers that have been release in the film. It just seems like what we've seen is very small in comparison to what actually goes down. I'm excited to hear that the film is going to open up strong! I'm sure Whedon will keep the momentum going throughout the entire movie. The movie hits May 1st, 2015, and the anticipation is killing me!

Via: CBM

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