AVENGERS: ENDGAME Voiceover Actor Discusses Rocket's Story Arc and Teases "Irreversible Things"

For those of you who don’t mind having a few new things teased in regards to Avengers: Endgame, I’ve got some details to share with you today thanks to foreign voiceover actor Sergio Zurita, who provides the voice of Rocket Raccoon in the foreign dubs.

He talks about Rocket’s story arc a bit and also teases a few other aspects of the film and explains that there are going to be "irreversible things". If you don’t want to know any more than that, then don’t keep reading!

Still here? Okay, let’s get into it. One of the first things he says is that there will be a major fan-favorite character that dies:

"I can tell you that the movie takes you from laughter to tears. A key character dies . I can not say more, it's more, I do not know if I already said more."

Just one character? I assumed there would be more, but maybe he doesn’t want to reveal too much! As for the one character, I’d place my bet on Tony Stark.

He then goes on to tease irreversible things and something interesting happening to Thor:

"There are irreversible things. Very interesting, very interesting what happens with Thor." 

I don’t think Thor will be killed off, but I’m curious to see what this interesting thing is that will happen to Thor. Could Thor die?! I hope not!

Zurita wen’t on to talk about Rocket’s story arc and the state of mind that he’s in:

"The movie looks intense, good. Rocket is in another state of mind. Rocket is always angry and throwing a bullet and now Rocket is brooding. Moreover, there is a time when Rocket is so sad that he does not care to be told in certain ways that it bothers him that they always tell him."

Well, there are some interesting things mentioned here to think about. I just can’t wait to see how the story arc plays out and concludes for these characters!

Who do you think is going to die in the movie and what do you think is going to happen with Thor?

Source: Unocero

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