AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Writers Reveal How They Would Make a Great Doctor Doom Film
At a recent event hosted by Kevin Smith, Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely were asked if it’s possible to make a good Doctor Doom film. They both answered positively and Markus elaborated the problems with his big screen appearances to date and how he would do it:
“One: I would do the thing that they never do which is to stick to the comic book and make him the king of his own country and have a big metal helmet on. He looks like Darth Vader. It works in Star Wars, just do it again. They’re like, ‘He’s an American scientist who is jealous of their relationship.’ No! He’s a nut-bag with a metal mask!
I can completely understand the impulse. It’s like, you have to make it relatable. You have to relate it to these characters. You want them all to have a past together. I get it but it doesn’t work because he has to wind up in a ridiculous place unless you’re just gonna put him in a leather jacket and call him “Vic.” You’ve gotta go put on a cape. Either you’re gonna leave yourself the task of getting all the way over to a guy in a cape or just make him a guy in a cape!”
I hope Noah Hawley is listening because I imagine this is exactly what fans want from a Doctor Doom film. Not to mention the fact that Markus and McFeely have written the biggest opening and second highest grossing comic book movie ever. It may be worth it to take a note or two from them. Is this how you would want a Doctor Doom film, or is there another vision you have for it?
Source: CB