Awesome Concept Art from Cancelled Live-Action AKIRA Film
Warner Bros. has been trying to make a live-action Akire movie made for years. Back in 2009 Ruairi Robinson was attached to direct the movie, but it never went into production. He had several pieces of concept art done for the film along with some storyboards, and some of that art has been posted on the director's official website. The illustrations that were done for the movie are absolutely stunning. I think you're going to like what you see in these. There are a couple of character designs for Keneda and Tetsuo that look a lot like Chris Evans and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.
This actually looks like it woulds have been a visually spectacular film. After seeing this concept art, it's kind of a shame that it never got made. I would have liked to see these brought to life. Thanks to Firstshowing for the heads up on this!