BACK TO THE FUTURE II Had Criminals Who Cut Off People's Thumbs in 2015 and More Trivia

A new episode of Beyond the Marquee has been released in which host Jon Donahue visits Back to the Future franchise screenwriter Bob Gale. In the video, he shows off several of the props from the classic film franchise including the DeLorean’s time circuits, the Flux capacitor, and the hoverboards. 

Some of the most interesting things that he shares are the future and past newspapers used in the film, and he points out some really interesting and fun headlines in them that you’ve probably never even noticed before. He reveals a lot of fun facts about the film during the interview.

For example, he points out a report in the 2015 USA Today paper titled, “Thumb Bandits Strike: After Amputating Thumbs of Hospital Patients.” Gale explains that in the future people use their thumbs to pay for stuff, so there were thieves that would cut off people's thumbs and use them to buy stuff. That’s pretty twisted! 

One of the other things he points out is titled, “Man Killed from Falling Litter,” and he explains how if people throw trash out of their cars while flying through the air, it could fall on someone and kill them. 

Gale also reveals that that America has a female president in the 2015 Back to the Future universe. Gale wrote all of the headlines and news articles in the prop papers that were used in the film.

Check out the video below, and learn a little bit more about the Back to the Future film franchise! 

Beyond the Marquee and host Jon Donahue meet up again with Back to the Future Co-Creator/Producer/Writer, Bob Gale, as he shares some of the iconic movie prop treasures from his vault. From the DeLorean Time Circuits and Hill Valley newspapers to screen-used Hoverboards, we get a close-up look at all the fun facts behind the most interesting items seen in the Back to the Future trilogy.

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