Bad Lip Reading's "Bushes of Love," a STAR WARS Song You'll Have Stuck in Your Head For Days

We've already written about Bad Lip Reading's funny take on the original Star Wars, but this new video from BLR is even more ridiculous than usual. It's a song called "Bushes of Love," which they imagine as an insane song performed by Obi-Wan Kenobi as he lectures young Luke Skywalker about the perils of love. Consider yourselves warned: if you watch/listen to this, it will very likely be stuck in your head for an indeterminate amount of time. As you might expect, the lyrics are utterly nonsensical, but I have to admit, the melody is pretty catchy.

Ben's musical lecture on the perils of love... iTUNES!: AMAZON!: Like on Facebook! Follow on Twitter! WATCH THE OTHERS! "STAR WARS: A Bad Lip Reading" "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: A Bad Lip Reading" "RETURN OF THE JEDI: A Bad Lip Reading"

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