Batman, Spider-Man, and Captain America Are Current White House Interns Thanks to Epic Prank!

The annual White House economic report is some boring report that comes out every year that we would probably never hear about or care about, let alone report about if it weren’t for some fun hackers who spiced it up a bit this year. In the section listing the White House interns, someone added some familiar names to the roster. Can you find them all?

The standouts in the list include Peter Parker, Aunt May, Kathryn Janeway from Star Trek, iconic actor John Cleese from Monty Python, and Batman’s alter-ego Bruce Wayne.

I don’t know if John Snow is meant to be Jon Snow from Game of Thrones, or if that’s an actual intern, but the list is really fun to dig through. I love hackers when they are being funny and messing things up and not actually doing any harm.

Do you see any more spoof names that we missed?

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