BATMAN V SUPERMAN Flash Cameo and Spoiler Details Confirmed — GeekTyrant

BATMAN V SUPERMAN Flash Cameo and Spoiler Details Confirmed

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice costume designer Michael Wilkinson recently attended Comic Con Experience 2015 in Brazil, and while he was there, he confirmed a few things that fans have been wondering about, including the rumor of The Flash making an appearance in the film and the speculation that the scene in the trailer of Superman removing Batman's mask in the trailer is really a dream sequence. 

When asked about Ezra Miller's The Flash showing up in the movie, he told Omelette:

"I’m not really at the liberty to talk about The Flash right now, but it’s something that you’ll be seeing in the future in our films. You do get a glimpse of him, of course, in Batman v Superman."

He went on to explain:

"He will have a thinner silhouette and will not be as strong as the other heroes of the Justice League."

Wilkinson went on to to talk about his excitement to see the character come to life on the big screen, and what Miller will bring to the character of Barry Allen:

"I’m really looking forward to taking the amazing, iconic costume for The Flash and interpreting it in a fresh way where Ezra Miller is playing The Flash. He’s an extraordinary performer, he has a sort of interesting sense of humor and the youth that will be great for Barry Allen and I think he’s going to make a great Flash."

The costume designer then revealed that the post-apocalyptic desert scene in Batman v Superman is actually a Bruce Wayne dream sequence. The outlet reports:

"Wilkinson revealed that, in Wayne's dream, the world turned into a post-apocalyptic desert in style of Mad Max, in which Superman has become a despot and has an army of followers, composed of soldiers and flying beings. They appear in the trailer,"

Even though those scenes looked freakin' cool, they always seemed a little out of place for me. It makes a lot more sense now that it's confirmed they are part of a dream sequence.  

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will arrive in theaters on March 25th, 2016. 

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