Ben Affleck Describes Cool Cut Scene Between Batman and Wonder Woman From THE FLASH

DC’s The Flash is getting a lot of good press ahead of its release, with some critics and stars saying it’s the best film we’ve ever gotten from the studio. Many characters are returning, including both Michael Keaton’s Batman and Ben Affleck’s Batman, the latter of which is more settled into the role than ever, now that he’s fully retired from it. One scene in The Flash would have showcased this quite well, as Affleck explained in an interview with the Smartless podcast:

"It's my best shit I have done as Batman! I finally figured out how to play the guy! I know I quit but I got it now! Like you do the audition and you are on your way home, you are like 'No!' I don't want to give away any spoilers, but there was a scene where I get saved by Wonder Woman during a conflagration with some bad guys. She saves me with the Lasso of Truth, so what happens is that Batman divulges some of his real feelings about his life and his work. I was like 'Wait a minute; I got it!"

It’s a bummer that we won’t be able to see this scene! It sounds like it would have been really cool. Maybe there will be an extended cut of the film that will include the scene for us to check out.

The Flash arrives on the big screen on June 16th. Are you stoked to watch it?

via: GamesRadar

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