Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan's WHEN HARRY MET SALLY Almost Has a Very Depressing Ending
When Harry Met Sally is one of the greatest romantic comedies ever made. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan were perfect in this movie, which told the story of two people who went from being friends to being in a heavy romantic relationship and after going through some challenges the two end up together at the end. They got their happy ending, but that always wasn't the case. Director Rob Reiner revealed in an interview that the two main characters almost didn't up together. The original ending had the two characters just going their separate ways.
"I was single for ten years and making a mess of my personal life, in and out of relationships and not being able to make anything work. The first draft of the script --- or the draft we were going to shoot --- Harry and Sally weren't going to get together. They meet each other years later and then walk separate ways."
He was obviously in a dark place and wasn't seeing life in a way that displayed all sunshine and rainbows. In every screenwriting class and workshop that I ever took, they say "write what you know" and at the time, he was obviously going through some rough days.
Nora Ephron is credited for writing the script for the film, but the initial story and the main plot points came from Reiner and Crystal. While talking to EW, the filmmaker went on to say that he met the woman who he would eventually marry while working on the film and it was because of that relationship that caused him to rewrite the ending into something happy that would make audiences feel good.
I'm glad he changed the ending because I love that ending! You can watch it below if you need a little reminder.