BioWare Releases Awesome Content for MASS EFFECT Fans

We are so close to the launch of Mass Effect Legendary Edition. I am so freaking excited! To help fans get even more pumped, BioWare recently released a ton of bonus content for fans to enjoy. First, fans can head on over to the website and create your own personal key art for the game. You get to choose your favorite companions, your morality, and even a key location for the key art and then download it to share on social media, to use as a 4K wallpaper, or even the size for a slip cover to personalize your physical copy of the game. It’s actually really cool.

Next, you can stream an 88-track soundtrack featuring music from all three games via YouTube. As the video plays, it also shows some fun little animations of characters doing things. For instance, Garrus is seemingly running some calibrations aboard the Normandy while Tali just kind of chills. The soundtrack video also includes the new song “Resynthesis” from the new Legendary Edition of the games. I’ve been listening to the video all day and it’s incredible.

Finally, BioWare has released the Bonus Content Download. This features the 88 music tracks (including “Resynthesis”) from the above video, 2 digital art books, 2 digital comic books, and a digital lithograph of the Normandy. This is 100% free and 100% awesome. My only complaint is that the lithograph is in a PDF format for some reason.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition will launch on May 14 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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